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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.


Flux Cored Arc Wires

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AWS Code :E71T-1C/M H8

Typical Applications :

Welding of structural and carbon manganese steels with specified tensile strength up to 510 MPa. Butt and fillet welding of hulls and storage tanks, Structural steel, Farm machinery, Construction equipment, Bridges, Shipbuilding, Towers, Cranes, Chemical plant machinery, Rolling stocks and general carbon steel fabrication.

Characteristics :

All position rutile type gas shielded flux cored wire for high quality single and multiple pass welding of certain low alloy and carbon steel. This wire has very low fume, stable arc, least spatters and easy slag removal. Weld bead is characterized by its smooth and excellent appearance.

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Air Plasma Cutting Equipments, Arrestor For Torch, Brazing Fluxes, Butt Welding Machinery, Cnc Gas Cutting Machines, Earthing Clamp, Electrode Holders, Flux Cored Arc Wires, Fume Extractor, Gas Cutting Machinery, Gas Cutting Machines, Gas Regulators, Gas Welding And Brazing Torch, Hand Gloves, Metal Cored Wires, Products, Profile Cutting Machinery, Projection Welder, Resistance Welding Controller, Safety Shoes, Saw Welding Equipments, Seam Welders, Spot Welding Machinery, Spot Welding Machines, Welding Cables, Welding Elecrodes, Welding Fluxes And Wires, Welding Machinery Mfgrs, Welding Rotators